The shoe

The shoe itself is the heart of each design. Customization guarantees a correct fit and enables You to wear Your shoes without any troubles. Shape, design and applications for Your shoe are discovered by having intense conversations between You and me.


The sole

You can choose between different materials and colors for the sole. If classical black leather or extravant in red is up to You.


The platform

The choice of the heel height massively defines the comfort when walking. Decide according to Your ability and experience. Choose a platform in order to obtain a larger scope regarding the height which will lead to a more extravagant look. Shape and material of the heel follows a great variation – feel free to discuss Your imaginations with me.


The platform

Choosing a platform offers a larger scope regarding the heel height by keeping the comfort. Here as well I can offer to You highest flexibility. The platform can even be made from acrylic material.


The bootleg

You are free in choosing length, width and material of the bootleg. Soft leather or extravant in latex, tight or decently wide. We find solutions for each kind of leg and body shape.

Shoes customized

A perfect shoe can only be created by customization. Tailored to Your specific needs I create a masterpiece, which offers to You an unsurpassed comfort. Never again feel scary about wearing Your favourite shoes for a long evening. Shoes that are made for looking good, but impossible to walk with You only get off-the-shelf. This is definitively not my intention. Discover the variety of design options by clicking through the numbers in the above shown picture. You’ll be suprised about the diverse ways of personalizing Your perfect and individual shoe.

The evolutionary Process

Creating a customized shoe consist of many single steps. Each one ensuring the perfect comfort when wearing Your personal design. At first we start with an intensive consultation, which is nessecary to set up all the properties that Your individual shoe should match. When finished a last will be prepared which will be the pattern for Your shoe. This last will be reusable for further orders later on. After completing a series of steps the last perfectly matches Your foot and we can start by applying the desired material. Each piece and all of the desired applications are attached from then on.

Ordering online

Following You find an order form as well as a dimension sheet with instructions. Download both and open them with the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Enter all data nessecary, save them and send both to me via eMail. I’ll immediately take care avout Your order.

Do You have Questions?

It will be a pleasure to me to anwer all Your questions and to explain all processes in detail to You. Please contact me, get informed and challenge me with Your very personal desires. I will offer all my knowledge and perfection for Your individual shoe.